the other morning, i heard a story about a man on his death bed dying, while his 4 young children and wife said their goodbyes. The man a christian of great faith, looked up at his wife and said, "Don't worry, God is in this." And the man telling the story who was one of the young boys, said when life dealt him troubles or struggles, he would cling to those words... God is in this.
I love it. And I don't think I need troubles or struggles to remember "God is in this." I think this is my theme right here. God is in this! I just have to remember to make room for him, to allow him to work. Mostly I have to remember to not to try to do things outside of Him, because we all know that's when things go CRaZy! I want a discerning heart, I want the gift of wisdom... and I'm praying that God reach out and meet me where I am to give me those things :) Sometimes I get so busy that I forget to draw near, but as we enter this time of Advent, I'm going to spend sometime preparing my heart for my trip to Nicaragua...
Mostly, I really want to know that no matter what it is I am doing, God is in this... That He has got it covered, that He is moving and His will is being done. That no matter what comes against me, no matter what rudeness, what hatefulness, what temptation, what evil should come up against me or my household that God, will work it out for his Glory.... (and maybe teach this dense soul a few things along the way).
Side-note: Ohhhh, I'm also praying for the perfect home with plenty of room for our family. So if you have some extra time on your hands and you are of the praying variety (my favorite kind)then I'd appreciate you tossing up a few prayers for us...