I have to admit it, sometimes I like to take the easy road -- especially when it comes to weight. For that reason, Plexus has been a blessing to me! This year is CrAzy for most teachers I know. A good friend and I were talking and she was telling me how she went on a short week long chocolate and sweet binge, because she is sooooo stressed from teaching and all the things they keep adding to our plate (lol!).

Luckily though, she decided to tap back into her weightloss journey and dropped 3 pounds this week! Down from 184 to 181 -- I'm so excited for her because I know what it's like to struggle with weight. It's always been an issue for me. What I love about Plexus is it's just easy to use. Even though we post these AMAZING TRANSFORMATIONS, because they obviously happen, not everyone looses weight that way on plexus. For some of us, the changes are slower and more gradual; but I'm ok with that! I eat what I want, when I want... normally just less. Right now you can join Plexus and get the plexus slim (helps make your waist skinny!), the biocleanse (reoxygenates) and the Probio5 (puts healthy biotics back in your system) for a little more than $125 and that includes a website that all you have to do is post on your FB page and you're in business. Even if you never sell anyone else their first packet, you are still getting all these products for a great price.

www.81949.myplexusproducts.com or use ambassador #102399
I feel bad when ppl say, $100+ a month is too much. I thought the same way, that's why I signed up to sell it. Since I'm a numbers person, I'll tell you the best way to look at it. You eat less, so you save money. Less cold drinks/coffee, you save money. That side of your closet that houses all those outfits that you keep hoping to get back into, more money saved right there. Everytime you DON'T have to buy a new pair of $40 pants or a $25 shirt, YOU HAVE SAVED MONEY. Increased confidence so you actually apply for those jobs that you've been wanting to, saved money. This summer, I actually felt so much better about the direction I was headed that I even went without makeup many days, saved money!
Plus everytime ppl order from me or my website, I make money. And you can too.... But I really do challenge you to try it for yourself first. It's hard to sell a product that you can't personally vouch for. But when ppl see you and the quick or slow changes, they want a little of what you have... And I love helping people feel better about themselves. Anyways, just wanted to toss this out there. Hope you'll give it a try.... you can cancel anytime, I'll even text ya the customer service number to cancel, if you decide it's not for you.... but at least give it a try, and hang in there.... My newest customer is a man, and he's down 6 lbs in 8 days, but way more inches across his chest :) I hope you'll think it over, IF weight and health have been issues for you.... If you are pre-diabetic or diabetic this is definitely you need to try....