time in a bottle

Thursday, January 1, 2009

A New Year and Such

Ahhhh another year has come and gone... I new year and a chance for a new me. Let's see what changes hopefully lie instore for me in 2009.

#1. Make WISE decisions and choices. This is not my strongest point. Sometimes I just let my feelings lead me ~> less drinking more thinking... haha, not that I drink alot, but I shall cut back this year.

#2. Get healthier. Now that I am done, done, done with having children I am ready to start looking and feeling better. So let's see, I would like to lose 25 pounds this year ~ at least... 40 would be awesome but 25 would be great too. I already joined Dynamic Dimensions work out facility. Going to walk 10 miles a week ~ at least!!!! (If you're bored come join me, you can help with managing the 4 kiddos! haha) I used to love to run, and I need to remember that. And to reward myself when I accomplish this goal, I'm going to send myself on a trip to the East Coast and a beach for 3 or 4 days....

#3. Save more, spend less. Pay off credit cards.

#4. Love more, Laugh more, Live more

#5. Less Dr. Pepper, more water

#6. Focus more on relationships.

Ok that's it, not so great, but at least I have the goals written down, something to work towards. best wishes, jill

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